Coming up, next Thursday night, location and exact time tbd, the inaugural meeting of the Seattle Coffee Society.
We did this in New York and it was a big hit. This is a club for coffee professionals and the most passionate amateurs. Anyone's welcome, but we're not going to dumb it down and explain the ABC's of cupping or anything like that. The Seattle Coffee Society is for those of you that already bleed SL-28.
A chance for baristas, roasters, green buyers, machine techs, cuppers, and other coffee professionals to get together, drink coffee, and talk about, and advance, the specialty coffee industry in Seattle.
Our first meeting will include a discussion about how particular countries become specialty coffee darlings (Rwanda, El Salvador) while others with seemingly similar conditions are almost completely absent (Uganda, Puerto Rico). I think people usually assume there are very good reasons for this. But the reasons are often, in fact, horrible reasons. We shall discuss. I hope to have several samples of interesting high-quality green coffee from my recent trip to Puerto Rico, working for the USDA on soil types. We'll brew some coffees, drink them, discuss, look at some videos, and have a brief presentation on the topic at hand.
We'll also talk about future meetings and set the agenda. Your input is very much welcome. Get in on the ground floor and be one of the leaders of the next wave of quality coffee in our beloved Seattle, the rightful King of Coffee Cities.
Email Daniel at [email protected] if you want to get involved. If you live in the Seattle area and work in coffee — or if you just love coffee — please spread the word to your facebook and twitter followers, your customers, and your cats and dogs.
I'll post the details of time and place as soon as I have them locked down, here on the blog. But it's Thursday, December 9th, in the early evening. So clear your calendar.
If you can't attend next Thursday evening but want to stay informed about future events, send an email to [email protected]
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