Normally I try to post my own work here on this blog. I'm not an aggregator, but sometimes stuff comes along that I have to post.
This info-graphic about the health benefits of coffee comes from the Harvard School of Public Health. Be sure to click the little icons on the left to see other fun facts about coffee.
Why do I post this graphic and not the other stuff that people randomly send me? Well, a certain someone I know just happens to be a graduate of Harvard School of Public Health. Plus, you know... coffee.
This is really an excellent depiction of the real health benefits associated with coffee consumption. The data seems so overwhelmingly positive that I think there is a human tendency to question how anything so good could be so good for you. Maybe it's time we just accepted this and let it go. Good post, thanks.
Posted by: Theo | November 09, 2010 at 01:11 PM
Like most things in life in Moderation they will do little harm, it would most likely be more interesting to see at what point of consumption coffee starts offering negative effects on the body? 5 Cups of filter, three espresso's?
Posted by: Pennine Coffee | December 18, 2010 at 02:21 PM