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September 20, 2010


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alexander ruas

I can't believe you were here in Stockholm without coming over to Drop Coffee for some coffee lovin' time!

Daniel Humphries

I know I know! I'm terrible.... but next time I go, I will have more free time, and more advance notice.

alexander ruas

It's a deal!


I was in Oslo last Tuesday at Tim Wendleboe's when a few Italian baristas came in. Everyone was all a buzz about the event. I wished I could have stayed for it! I was in Copenhagen over the weekend...so close to have passed it up.

Daniel Humphries

The only consolation I give myself is this: From over here in America, it's easy to think of Scandinavia as one single region. But Oslo is hundreds of miles from Stockholm... also, those are some of the most expensive countries in the world to just be bumming around in. In Central America, for example, it's a lot simpler to say, "Hey, I think I'll bounce down to Panama for a few days and visit some friends." Doing that in Northern Europe can be an expensive proposition!

Nevertheless! This was my first trip to Scandinavia, and now that I have my bearings somewhat... I'm planning to go back in the future and make a much longer, grander stay of it. Those nations bred my ancestors many generations ago... they have to take me back, right?

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