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October 13, 2009


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Great post, Daniel -- I think about water and coffee all the time, too, and we've done a bunch of tasting experiments with different TDS levels and temperatures and things like that. Amazing how many things can affect a single cup.

Hope you're well,

Greg Laden

I thought NY got its water from the Catskill ... which is technically the Hudson River aquifer, but is not particularly mineral rich being mostly rain water that ended up in lakes via surface runoff and streams.

Daniel Humphries

Hi Meister. Anything on your blog about those TDS levels? I've done experiments like that before, but never in New York area. And hello!

Greg: You partially right. It comes from about three different sources, including the Catskills. As for that particular water, the Catskills, the article I linked above (under "the water") says "The carbonate limestone substrate of the swamp—laid down by ocean 440 million years ago, and 1000 feet deep in some places—pull out phosphates, nitrates, oil, road salt, heavy metal, pesticides and other everyday contaminants, while conferring calcium and other minerals that make the water sweet. "

Check the article... it's a bit long but excellent stuff.

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