I wanted to take a moment and thank the folks that put me in touch with the Today Show and point out some of the fantastic work they are doing.
First of all, my good friends at one of the Bay Area's top roasters: Equator Estates Coffee. Equator is a fantastic, very forward-looking, quality-oriented company. They're run by some of the most knowledgeable women in the coffee industry, and it's a very pro-woman and pro-environment company (not to mention pro-coffee!). I've been lucky enough to cup and hang out with Helen, Brooke, and Maria from Equator in the past, and they're always pushing the envelope of great, sustainable coffee. Looking forward to seeing you all in New York, Equator-ites!
Speaking of sustainable, the real force behind the Today Show appearance was the Organic Coffee Collaboration. My big blunder on the show was not to mention organic coffees. I've already excused myself in a couple of earlier posts about not getting to say what I wanted, but this was pretty inexcusable. The OCC does good work. There's a lot of confusion out there, it seems, about just what "organic" entails and how it effects people, the environment, and the quality of coffee. In coffee, thankfully, there is usually a direct corellation between sustainable practices and quality in the cup. Check out the OCC for lots more information (and more articulate) than I could hope to provide on this little blog.
Thanks OCC and Equator. Now ... if we could just get them to reserve 30 minutes to talk about these issues... or better yet.. A whole morning of just coffee! It is a morning-time show after all.
OCC makes some cool motorcycles. Good stuff!
Posted by: Nick Cho | June 04, 2009 at 09:42 AM
this equator estates coffee is very forward-looking, quality-oriented company which shows really a big thanks.
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Posted by: Mahesh | August 18, 2009 at 04:04 AM