I have lots of tastings and classes with Intelligentsia coming up, but there's one in particular I'd like to mention on here.
An espresso tasting! This Saturday, May 9th, at 11:30 am. It's at Intelligentsia's pretty white training and education lab in Soho... 594 Broadway, Suite 909A (just south of Houston).
How often do you get to taste more than one espresso in the space of an hour? If you go to the right store, you might be able to get two espressos. Well, we are going to have four! I'll have the new iteration of the Black Cat on tap (now with Rwandan coffee!), plus some single origins, including the famous Bolivia Anjilanaka. Plus we might mix some of them up with milk and see how they do. I'll be pulling all the shots on our pretty La Marzocco... come check out our new GS-3, too!
You can sign up here. Also, while on that site, check out all the other cool classes I am teaching (for instance, there's a cupping on Thursday morning, at 10 am... you should come to that, too!).
Hope to see you on Saturday.
really it's a nice tasting with a large numbers of varities of cups.
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Posted by: Mahesh | August 18, 2009 at 04:11 AM